Bad buttons in Tableau desktop

There's a good way to make buttons in tableau, and there's a bad way to make buttons in Tableau.

The worst way to make a button in Tableau is using a "STRING VALUE"

Hello, I'm Tyler,

Notice the Bad Button is repeated, over and over and over.

Imagine you do this to a data set with 100 rows of data.

That's a 'Bad Button' written 100 times.

Making buttons in Tableau the right way!

Computers prefer numbers a 1 or 0.

Because you can only have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and that's the only options for that integer.

With characters. There are a lot more options. The math now makes your machine weak!

So to keep your machine light and like a bee!

Yay, now you see how much unnecessary data that is right?

Think back, to that one workbook, that you did this.

Did you make 50 buttons in one workbook on Tableau Desktop??

Think back, you could be making your workbooks a lot faster! 

Consider a workbook with a lot of buttons in tableau desktop.

What if you had used min(1) instead. Or maybe a data set just for buttons. With 1 record? Get outside of the box!

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  1. Thank you so much for throwing light on such a important topic about Tableau.

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