Tableau Expert Blogger Practices, Looking at Code, Blogger teaches CSS and HTML

Okay, something interesting, when you PASTE URL from Google... This blog is for people who want to learn how things work, want to do things on their own, want to know what's going on on the internet. If you just need help. I can help at - this is for people who want grind with me. IT does this boxing. Pretty interesting. Nice work Google. Want to learn how they use their links for SEO ? Copy the link by double clicking. Paste into blogger. It drops this code on the back end. Swap to HTML. Blogger is really impressive from a blogging perspective. I think it's easier than WordPress. But if you need to build a company, it's not going to be the place to go. So, this code is sorta WHITE washing over me. Too much. Swap back to COMPOSE. If you want help with SEO and don't care about blogger, scroll down to the end. If you wanted to do a different...