Looking at Cat.com to See What's Happening!

  • Awhile back I helped a company called Finning! This company is the worlds biggest resupplier of Cat parts and tools. They are located in Canada and I worked directly with their team to rebuild 80 reports in excel, into Tableau Desktop.

    ​Now the engagement is over and I'm curious what's happening at Caterpillar communities. Here's a place to do just that. You can build a profile here on their forum and participate in discussions, or read up on what's happening.


    Welcome to the Caterpillar online community!
    This is an online forum where professionals who work with Caterpillar equipment and engines can exchange information, find answers, and get expert advice from their peers.

    To help you and other members get the most out of the community, please be sure to read our Guidelines. Questions, Comments... Feel free to give us your Feedback & Suggestions.

    Our profile - https://forums.cat.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/151007
    Our profile short - bit.ly/2DxQEr3

    Short1: https://goo.gl/KxSF4M
    Short2: http://ow.ly/24zD30hUApf

    Thanks for reading!
    Austin Web Dev Team
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