
Tableau Desktop - Outlier Analysis in Less than 1 minute!

Want to learn more about outliers and outlier analysis in Tableau Desktop ? Check out this youtube video on outlier analysis! We use running sum to show you how Tableau can quickly show you a cluster of information and tell you answers to questions you didn't even consider asking. Outlier analysis in Tableau Desktop I love tableau desktop, it's incredibly easy to use. Play with the colors marks card to generate new innovative ways to generate the analysis your business doesn't even consider asking. Work your Outlier analysis how you like! There are billions of ways to do it, this just happens to be one that shows your about hierarchies , which is a step in the right direction for drilling in and out of dimensions like parent and child. I like to mix it up so I drag and drop a new dimension into the marks card. Check the video to see what that does for you with Runn...

Why is Interworks using a Link Scheme to Rank on Google?

I'm pretty much updating my resume after consuming this -- trying to do SEO with a company of this size spamming links is not possible. It's just not going to happen unless Google de-indexes their site for spamming. *shrug  We do Austin SEO without buying links. I needed to run an experiment. Can I get someone to give me any content publicly? The question is, why is Interworks using a link scheme to rank, I wrote it a month ago. (sept8) and ran the ad yesterday... I'm very done with this because I can beat their spam rank portfolio with legit strategies. me VS interworks Lucky for Interworks they won't lose their rank until someone spams 80k cheap links, or does what I'm doing. Which is not exploiting to rank. Crazy concept. It's already beat everyone and I'm ranking #3 globally. It wasn't hard, interworks exploiting for years made it hard. I don't need to chea...

Business Intelligence SEO Youtube Bears Snakes Oh My

Learning Business Intelligence, SEO, Youtube, Bears, Snakes, Drakes Latest Album.  I talk about all of that and some. I've recently released a lot of Tableau related content, SEO related content, and if you're into business intelligence consulting or looking to get into business intelligence consulting ... Maybe some SEO ? Maybe you're just looking for new ideas to get your mind sparking. Or you want to dominate the ranking game? Below are related links to our Blogger blog here! Please go through them on at a time, and check out the dashboards embedded, screenshots, and explanations of what's happening. Soon I will be doing a lot more videos to correspond with the content. It's an exciting time to push this stuff into the public and thanks for keeping track! What to see a multi million dollar company illegally spamming links to rank on Google? Things you must know in business intelligence - Building dashboards in Tableau desktop A true awe...

My Ugly Ass Dashboard - Hey It was Pretty Cool though...

Come check my profile out on Tableau public.  I founded a lot of cool practices in Tableau . Lets dive in. This is ugly. Wow. My ugly ass dashboard is not winning anyone's heart. Not the best thing to look at. I should have followed some color palette best practices.  More than 7, you're going to lose your audience. And if they don't blend, it looks like poo. Remember though, I made this dashboard in a single session at a coffee shop. No product to date can accomplish this task. Tableau rocks . Ugly ass dashboards in 2017 Don't do it! Avoid the urge to make that ugly fuggly thing. Make beautiful dashboards, and also don't forget to go search my name at Tableau Public. I've got dashboards that have been views nearly 10k times and they are 100% educational. I wrote the book on best practices back in the day.  Need help with  Tableau Ping me!

The true Awesome Dashboard, that started my blog idea

Here's my favorite awesome dashboard.  I do Tableau consulting at Yes, if you're looking at this and thinking, ' damn that's awesome .' That's the goal, is to make amazing dashboards because I've been doing design for 14+ years. In this awesome dashboard i don't even touch photoshop! Originally at Learning logical functions in Tableau. When someone says if, else, then, are you lost? Well check out this tableau public dashboard . 

Everyone Will Use Me Dashboard

Hey I built a dashboard that a junior consultant told me would be too much work. I explained to him this would be powerful because everyone needs help understanding this VS using the ONLINE HELP. I submitted the ball charts to a community as art. Everyone will use me dashboard by Dev3lop Now it's almost at 10k views and one of the most popular dashboards in the public community . I thought I broke something. They went down. I was worried.

Trend line - line chart in tableau desktop polynomial

I was worried I couldn't capture  my  experiences. Blogger is the best thing for keep tracking of this growth.  Tableau Developer  - Hello, Tyler Garrett, Founder of Trend Line's be in Line chart in Tableau Desktop Is so cool, it's a line chart, it's got super curvy octive level usage of stuff! I snuck in this crazy chart into my tableau interview back in the v8.1 days.  Tableau desktop polynomial is a big blurb of bleep bloops and 'flooptdy doops.'  If you took statistics in College, Like I did, the teacher wrote the book.  So I can get past everyone using this and no one asks. That's because they don't know what a trend line does when we are speaking of polynomial degrees.  They don't teach that in art class. Polynomial Degree's Do you know them? And use trendlines? Nice! /kowtow. You don't need to be an expert, just Google it before you show it to the executives or people inter...