
Tableau is better than Domo, ShortLinks, and Let me Work With Drake?

Why Tableau is Obviously Better than Domo Today, I'm writing about Domo and their silly idea for marketing on Dev3lop's blog post about - Why Tableau is Better than Domo . Here's a quick video of how I feel about - Why Tableau is Better than Domo, but as a solution architect, I'm some how finding my time giving advice to help the users of Dev3lop . Sorry Domo, I don't want to hate on a company, rather personally this campaign is offensive and petty. My video here - Blog  Me   Also, the video on Why Tableau is obviously better than Domo is linked below! Here is a video using two short links from Google. Enough about Domo and Why Tableau is Better  If you want to read more, please visit the - and now I want to talk about short-links. I noticed  I will report back on the effectiveness of this in the next few days, as ...