Blogs about Tableau Tooltips - Rushed and Missing the point.
Read the first paragraph of the blog below. Scan the rest because it honestly doesn't offer any value beyond what is extremely obvious. This was simply an attempt to build content for SEO.
Tips should come after implementation, after success across lots of environments.
In all honesty, I'm sure you've been eager to jump on this Viz per tooltip wagon.
Me too. It will be a huge advancement.
Personally, I worked for the company and worked hard to help see this through.
I personally worked with product managers, executives, and developers/engineers. I've designed future tooltip ideas in photoshop, mocked up workarounds to ideas for years - and helped product managers implement them into the software. None you see me toting as 'the lead.'
And I discussed this topic, along with many others.
I've even been on a microphone, in front of the entire technical staff at Tableau Software, and talked about the need, usage, and viability of said Tooltips.
BTW: Tableau has offered lots of things in BETA, and not able to add it to the release. This would be extremely 'no news to you' if you have been using Tableau since 2013.
Ergo, the entire content/blog could be completely pointless on release. I understand it's important to get ahead on content generation, but this one seemed to miss the boat, and merely point out that I don't need to read anything else coming from
Your first paragraph sounds like "I, I, I, I, I..." where is the WE? Us? Come on, this is the first time I've heard about your company or name.
- Did you invent this?
- Were you the only person on the idea forum?
- Are you the only person in the tableau community?
The community has more than you in it.
- Here's my face on the Tableau community. On the Home page of with people, you're not including into your blog.
- Tyler - helped get vizies in tooltips.
- Angie - helped get vizies in tooltips.
- Saji - helped get vizies in tooltips.
- Travis - helped get vizies in tooltips.
- Eddie - helped get vizies in tooltips.
- Did you produce the solution and manage the implementation across Tableau Software?
Consider the engineers that spent days, weeks, and months programming for visualizations to be on tooltips...
We did this together, dudes. The culture is 'we' not 'me, myself, i.'
I generated a solution to many to many limitations, generated solution to dynamic parameters, generated tons of stuff that I would never say "I did it by myself" - because that's not the case.
Thanks for your time and consideration. I know the importance here is indexing your page for keywords, and rushing content generation is extremely smart. Rushing - and not talking about the thousands of people who helped, and avoiding WE...
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