Wix is not viable for website services.

"Hey, I made my website on Wix." Website services from a company earning % revenue and own your tech layer is a business problem in the future.

This is where Wix is raking in the money. Show a pretty boy and a pretty girl and a website. Marketing 101.

Don't use Wix - Use Blogger or Wordpress.

You should see how often people do not care to rank on anything related to WIX because my research shows me it's bad for business.

Wordpress is a great alternative and there are tons of Wix customers trying to migrate to Wordpress, which has 60million+ downloads.

At least it's going to get you some exposure!

Don't discount easy website builders, and don't go throw thousands away just because a few blogs say so.

Work from home using things like Wordpress

Wordpress is great for build a business with proper website services on the back end, if you choose a good host.

Blog https://goo.gl/ouzKnu pick a domain https://goo.gl/GR3NeQ pick a host https://goo.gl/yVjXC4

#work #from #home #wfh #website #developer #website #hosting #domains

Working from home is easy if you are dedicated to learn and research!

Without shortlinks:
Learn how to pick a domain name
Figure out what hosting company to use

Working from home is totally possible. Take the jump, and we are here to help with every step. Advice is free, use our https://dev3lop.com/developer-live-chat/


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